1·High Angle of attack wind tunnel test techniques is necessary for development of high-maneuverability flight vehicles.
2·Indeed the structures of flight vehicles are very flexible when compared with Bridges, buildings, and earthbound machines.
3·The research results have important theory significance and project application values in the controller design of flight vehicles such as rockets and missiles.
4·Robust stability of the aeroservoelastic systems subjected to the perturbation of uncertainties is very important for elastic flight vehicles with automatic flight control systems.
5·Plus, hypersonic flight has so far only been demonstrated for small unpiloted craft carried to high speed by other vehicles - and other planned experimental craft are too small to carry a pilot.
6·Unlike traditional radio-controlled planes, unmanned aerial vehicles, or U.A.V. 's, have the capacity for autonomous flight and navigation.
7·SQUADRONS of robotic machines have taken flight in recent years, ranging from unmanned aerial vehicles which patrol in Iraq and Afghanistan to experimental machines not much bigger than insects.
8·He notes in particular that the team lacked data on how much black carbon would be emitted per flight by space tourism vehicles.
9·Any of various winged vehicles capable of flight, generally heavier than air and driven by jet engines or propellers.
10·Thermal control material OSR's have to meet a variety of ground and space environments during ground storage and space flight of space vehicles.